Privileged Jogja: SBY promise Records found

YOGYAKARTA DIY-related privileges struggle done in various ways. One of them by going after recording the promise of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) which will support the privilege.
The effort brings results. Records of the promise can be obtained and relatives Bendoro Prince Sultan Ngayoyakarta Gusti Haryo (GBPH) Prabukusumo plans to send the tape to a residence in Cikeas SBY.
In the tape SBY explicitly acknowledge the privilege of DIY. The statement diteriakan aloud by Yudhoyono during presidential campaigns in North Square Jogja, 4 April 2009. On that occasion the President also promised to fight for the privilege of DIY.
"Yogyakarta has a high historical value. Noble status. Special areas. Let us formulate the next joint that special status to become the pride of Jogja. You agree? "He said SBY a cheer greeted the masses at the time.


Foreign tourists photographing a variety of heritage buildings in the area of ​​Kilometer Zero when traveling around the city of Yogyakarta use the services of pedicab tour on Tuesday (21 / 6). Landmark Kilometre Zero area with terawatnya historic buildings used as public facilities such as Bank Indonesia, Post Office and Bank BNI remained a tourist attraction in Jogja.

PMR Jogja National Jumbara follow in Gorontalo

YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) DIY sent 39 Red Cross Youth (PMR) to follow Jumbara (Bakti Meet Joy) in Gorontalo on July 3 to 10 next. They sent the elementary school, junior high and high school are filtered through a test in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul.

Deputy Head of Human Resources PO PMI Yogyakarta, Sri Basuki Hadi in his press conference today (28 / 6), said the departure PMR PMI PMI DIY DIY is a form of participation in coaching the younger generation.

Before departure, participants will be quarantined and given Jumbara kepalangmerahan materials and skills. PMI PMR participants will be collected again two days before departure at the Center for Education and Training PMI DIY Jl Brig

YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) DIY sent 39 Red Cross Youth (PMR) to follow Jumbara (Bakti Meet Joy) in Gorontalo on July 3 to 10 next. They sent the elementary school, junior high and high school are filtered through a test in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul.

Deputy Head of Human Resources PO PMI Yogyakarta, Sri Basuki Hadi in his press conference today (28 / 6), said the departure PMR PMI PMI DIY DIY is a form of participation in coaching the younger generation.

Before departure, participants will be quarantined and given Jumbara kepalangmerahan materials and skills. PMI PMR participants will be collected again two days before departure at the Center for Education and Training PMI DIY Jl Brig Katamso (Office Complex THR) in order to deepen the material.

Departure contingent will be held at the National Jumbara Kepatihan Hall on June 30 at 15.00 pm.

PMI National Jumbara its plan will be opened by the Chairman of the PMI Center, Jusuf Kalla and attended by Red Cross representatives of friendly countries.

Beware Police Motorcycle Gang Amrik Origin and Australia

Bandung - Police are currently busy detect the emergence of American biker gangs and Australia who want to expand to Indonesia. Polda Jabar wary understand motorcycle gang leads to the criminals so as not to spread to motorcycle clubs.

"The information we collect, the famous motorcycle gang in America and Australia intend to develop in Indonesia," said Director General of Criminal Investigation Police Comr Jabar Jabar Fachrudin at Police Headquarters, after the workshop Bhayangkara 65th anniversary themed 'Partnership Police and Community in Menagani radicalism 'in Moeryono Hall, Police Headquarters in West Java, Bandung, on Tuesday (28/06/2011).

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Nissan Releases New Car Every 6 Weeks Until 2016

Yokohama, Japan - Number 8 for many cultures is one of the lucky number. Maybe it's the underlying automobile manufacturer Nissan to create a business plan that they call 'Nissan Power 88. "
The business plan was disclosed Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. for the period 2011-2016. In the plan, Nissan will certainly be more aggressive embrace of the world automotive market.
No fewer than 50 models of car will they show in the next five years with 90 latest automotive technology. Under the plan, 50 models of Nissan cars will be launched gradually. So Nissan will launch a new car model every 6 weeks.
That way, Nissan will have a total of 66 models in their portfolio that will cover 92 percent of the existing car segment. To that end, Nissan will also increase the number of their dealers in the world than previously numbered 6000 to 7500 dealers dealership.

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Damaged cartilage Steering, BMW X5 Recall

Detroit - Defect production is not the dominance of car brands 'regular'. BMW new car classmates did not escape from it. And most recently, BMW X5 last forced to be pulled back (recall) because of problems at the wheel.

As detikOto quotes from Motor Authority, Tuesday (28/06/2011), BMW was forced to pull the BMW X5 xDrive35d new model year 2012 that produced this year.

BMW X5 cars that pulled the BMW X5 in America produced between March 21 until May 19, 2011 this. It had to be done because there are components that are prone to damage.

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Tips to make long-lasting battery life motor

Jakarta - Aki(battery) is one important tool in the motor. Aki is a source of direct current used in the motor. If not addressed its usefulness, will certainly cause the motor hard to live.

So that the incident did not happen to you, detikOto want to share tips on motorcycle battery to last long. These tips for a motor that has a kick starter system (crank).

1. The first thing to note is that the liquid surface must stay between the lines on the surface of the bottom surface with a line or a check every two months. If a liquid is on the line below the surface of the water add the battery until it reaches the upper limit of the surface.

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Chevrolet Camaro Transformers Special Edition

Detroit - Chevrolet Camaro is currently synonymous with the character Bumblebee and Transformers in action again in the third film Dark of the Moon. And to enliven the film aired, Chevrolet took out the model year 2012 Chevrolet Camaro Transformers special edition.

Chevrolet Camaro This is a special edition of Transformers the second issued by Chevrolet. For the year 2009 ago, U.S. car manufacturers also had launched a special edition of the same film.

Well for a special edition of Transformers this time, the Chevrolet Camaro coupe presents a whitewash paint yellow with distinctive black line Bumblebee. This special edition is available on 2LT and 2SS Camaro type.

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Toyota Etios Liva wonder Sign RI

Jakarta - Toyota India Toyota has just given birth Etios Liva hatchback in India. The plan of this car will be exported to several countries. Cars that cost Rp 76 million to Rp 114 million are considered highly qualified to be marketed to market four-wheel Indonesia.
Marketing Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) said Joko Trisanyoto hatchback Toyota Etios Liva has several advantages. Therefore it is appropriate to feel the sweetness of Indonesia's automotive climate.
"No wonder-wonder," said Joko detikOto when contacted on Tuesday (28/06/2011).

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FKY ART MARKET OPENS; 'Spirit 100% Yogya'

GROUP art from various ages, from children to adults, showed their creativity to build Yogyakarta. It is seen as the opening ceremony parade Yogyakarta Arts Festival Art Market (FKY) XXIII, Monday (20 / 6).
Art parade departs from the DIY page Department of Tourism office ending at the Museum Beteng Vredeburg Yogya. Featuring marching bands Korem 072 / Pamungkas, Solo Batik Carnival, Gatutkaca, Jathilan and Glory Crown Colossal Dance Tuk Yogyakarta and other arts groups.
Meanwhile, Yogyakarta Art Festival Art Market (FKY) XXIII-themed 'Spirit 100% Yogya', held in Vredeburg, June 20-July 5. Opened Ambar 'doings' Cahyono (Chairman of the Central Asmindo), Tazbir SH MHum (Head of Tourism DIY) and Dr. Arising Raharjo MHum (Chairman) and Ghatotkacha.

FKY 2011, Art in the Middle frenzied Politics

Plengkung Nirbaya or better known Plengkung Ivory white-walled and historic, Sunday (26 / 6) turns into a stage full of attractive art. A variety of contemporary art that departs from tradition such as children's games present in this place and the main attraction. There is also a contemporary dance that is displayed Mountain and Ocean ISMS 100 students to dance parade of four counties and cities. Their performance was also accompanied by instruments of the country that are placed on either side of the big white wall.
At the same time and place of that, the Yogyakarta Arts Festival (FKY) XXIII 2011 'Creativity between Mountain and Ocean' officially opened the Governor of

Lead Wing rafter Day in Lanud Adisutjipto

06/28/2011 08:06:19 DEPOK (KR) - A total of 46 students School Aviators (Sekbang) consists army officer 82 Youth (Paja), 27 people and 19 people armed soldier Students Office 81 Short (PSDP) XXV will be sworn in as aviator by Air Force Chief of Staff (rafters) Marshal Imam Sufaat at the Wing Field Day on Jupiter Lanud Adisutjipto Yogyakarta on Tuesday (28 / 6).
Previous ceremonies have been conducted in the form of carnival traditions along Jalan Malioboro and embedding Wing by the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X in North Square, a pilgrimage to the Tomb Ngoto and Closing the Building Education Lanud Adisutjipto Yogya Jupiter, Friday (24 / 6) with Irup Dankodikau Air Vice Marshal TNI Good Puruhito.
According Dankodikau, the closure of special education is the momentum and waiting for the former students for having the educational process is quite long, and has struggled with a maximum to be able to complete the flight as well as possible education.
Therefore, knowledge, basic skills that the military aviation field have been obtained in this education should be completely internalized and implemented in the execution of tasks, so as to carry out tasks in an optimal flight operations.
With the end of this Sekbang education, then the former students began serving in the ranks of the Army, Navy and Air Force. "I hope to continue to cultivate the friendship and working relationship, both antarinstansi and the alma mater," said Air Vice Marshal TNI Good Puruhito.
It is said, as an aviator who are educated and trained, then it should always remember the meaning of the slogan of safety on the water start from the ground (flight safety starts from the bottom). That is, prior to flight missions must prepare, implement procedures and phases of flight in order to mobilize the capabilities of the mission can be accomplished with either.


'Colorful' The beauty of Merapi

06/28/2011 08:06:19 SLEMAN (KR) - A total of 200 children ages kindergarten / elementary school in District Turi and surrounding race and color to paint a picture entitled 'The beauty of Merapi Colorful World of Arts in Children' Children's Art Committee for cooperation Donokerto with KR KR Care Group through the wallet in the Arena Kiosk Market Merapi Agropolitan Pules, Donokerto, Turi, Sunday (26 / 6). Race enlivened the entertainment and distribution of door prizes. In addition participants were also invited to drink free milk and snack division.
Chairman of the Committee for Children's Art Donokerto Budiarti SE Utami said, this event aims to motivate

Amikom Earn The Most Inovative Stand at Jogja Robot Under Attack 2011

STMIK AMIKOM yogyakarta awarded the Most Inovative Stand On Exhibition "Under Attack Robot Jogja 2011" held at Graha Sabha Pramana, Gadjah Mada University (11-12 June 2011). 17 Campus Leading in Indonesia such as, UGM, ITB, UI, Amikom, etc. specially invited to attend the exhibition held to enliven the National Robot Contest at GMU at the same time.
Robot and Technology Exhibition was attended by the Minister of National Education, Prof.. Dr. Ir. KH. Mohammad Nuh, DEA. On the occasion, he joined AMIKOM reviewing stand filled with excellent products like Tiwule STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta, Robot fire extinguisher, as well as some video Animation Production Amikom like Chronicles of JAVA, Goodbye World, and lain2. For Robots, Robot AMIKOM Amikom display 2 which followed the Regional III Robot Contest for the category KRCI at the State University of Yogyakarta, which is the forte-Wheel-wheeled robot and legged robot-leg forte.

Launching preproduction Film The Chronicles of JAVA

STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta held a launching preproduction movie The Chronicles ofJAVA (CoJ) (13 / 6). Attending the event, Executive Producer CoJ, Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto,MM., Dirrector CoJ. Tristan Strange, Producer CoJ, Aryanto Yuniawan, Art DirectorCoJ, Dody Wisnuwardhana, and his team of CoJ. Attending the ceremony wereChairman STMIK Amikom yogyakarta, Relationships and reporters from some of thePrint Media, Radio, and television.



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