'Colorful' The beauty of Merapi

06/28/2011 08:06:19 SLEMAN (KR) - A total of 200 children ages kindergarten / elementary school in District Turi and surrounding race and color to paint a picture entitled 'The beauty of Merapi Colorful World of Arts in Children' Children's Art Committee for cooperation Donokerto with KR KR Care Group through the wallet in the Arena Kiosk Market Merapi Agropolitan Pules, Donokerto, Turi, Sunday (26 / 6). Race enlivened the entertainment and distribution of door prizes. In addition participants were also invited to drink free milk and snack division.
Chairman of the Committee for Children's Art Donokerto Budiarti SE Utami said, this event aims to motivate                                                                            interest and talents of children in the development of creativity in the arts as well as a form of trauma healing for child victims of the eruption of Merapi in Turi and surrounding areas. "Activities of this kind of entertainment are just held for the first time after they come home from the barracks," he said.
Competition Results for the category of painting Husnadian Winner, Second Place Yesha, Champion Aulian III. Whereas I hope Champion Fakhusna Fitr, Harapan Indah Wulansari II and III Champion Linda Hope. For the category coloring Clarisa Winner, Second Place Winner III Calista Princess and Rena Dian. Whereas I hope Champion Stevani, Hope II Kiki, Hope III Azahra, while the overall winner Leona achieved.

(source: www.kr.co.id)


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