Amikom Earn The Most Inovative Stand at Jogja Robot Under Attack 2011

STMIK AMIKOM yogyakarta awarded the Most Inovative Stand On Exhibition "Under Attack Robot Jogja 2011" held at Graha Sabha Pramana, Gadjah Mada University (11-12 June 2011). 17 Campus Leading in Indonesia such as, UGM, ITB, UI, Amikom, etc. specially invited to attend the exhibition held to enliven the National Robot Contest at GMU at the same time.
Robot and Technology Exhibition was attended by the Minister of National Education, Prof.. Dr. Ir. KH. Mohammad Nuh, DEA. On the occasion, he joined AMIKOM reviewing stand filled with excellent products like Tiwule STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta, Robot fire extinguisher, as well as some video Animation Production Amikom like Chronicles of JAVA, Goodbye World, and lain2. For Robots, Robot AMIKOM Amikom display 2 which followed the Regional III Robot Contest for the category KRCI at the State University of Yogyakarta, which is the forte-Wheel-wheeled robot and legged robot-leg forte.
At the closing ceremony, STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta managed to get the award as the Most Innovative Stand at the Exhibition "Under Attack Robot Jogja 2011". Several other awards received by the University of Diponegoro as the most Communicative Stand and Stand AKPRIND as a favorite.
The exhibition itself was very lively. Various attractions robot is presented by the exhibitors, making the exhibition was attended by visitors who crowded it becomes more alive. The exhibition is expected that young people can add to the motivation to advance the World Robotics Indonesia.


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