Lead Wing rafter Day in Lanud Adisutjipto

06/28/2011 08:06:19 DEPOK (KR) - A total of 46 students School Aviators (Sekbang) consists army officer 82 Youth (Paja), 27 people and 19 people armed soldier Students Office 81 Short (PSDP) XXV will be sworn in as aviator by Air Force Chief of Staff (rafters) Marshal Imam Sufaat at the Wing Field Day on Jupiter Lanud Adisutjipto Yogyakarta on Tuesday (28 / 6).
Previous ceremonies have been conducted in the form of carnival traditions along Jalan Malioboro and embedding Wing by the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X in North Square, a pilgrimage to the Tomb Ngoto and Closing the Building Education Lanud Adisutjipto Yogya Jupiter, Friday (24 / 6) with Irup Dankodikau Air Vice Marshal TNI Good Puruhito.
According Dankodikau, the closure of special education is the momentum and waiting for the former students for having the educational process is quite long, and has struggled with a maximum to be able to complete the flight as well as possible education.
Therefore, knowledge, basic skills that the military aviation field have been obtained in this education should be completely internalized and implemented in the execution of tasks, so as to carry out tasks in an optimal flight operations.
With the end of this Sekbang education, then the former students began serving in the ranks of the Army, Navy and Air Force. "I hope to continue to cultivate the friendship and working relationship, both antarinstansi and the alma mater," said Air Vice Marshal TNI Good Puruhito.
It is said, as an aviator who are educated and trained, then it should always remember the meaning of the slogan of safety on the water start from the ground (flight safety starts from the bottom). That is, prior to flight missions must prepare, implement procedures and phases of flight in order to mobilize the capabilities of the mission can be accomplished with either.

(source: www.kr.co.id)


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