FKY 2011, Art in the Middle frenzied Politics

Plengkung Nirbaya or better known Plengkung Ivory white-walled and historic, Sunday (26 / 6) turns into a stage full of attractive art. A variety of contemporary art that departs from tradition such as children's games present in this place and the main attraction. There is also a contemporary dance that is displayed Mountain and Ocean ISMS 100 students to dance parade of four counties and cities. Their performance was also accompanied by instruments of the country that are placed on either side of the big white wall.
At the same time and place of that, the Yogyakarta Arts Festival (FKY) XXIII 2011 'Creativity between Mountain and Ocean' officially opened the Governor of Yogyakarta Sultan HB X The opening was marked by cutting FKY cone, followed by the blowing of whistles bamboo DIY community are present.
Mascot Gold FKY conferment assembled to 8 artists namely, Kartika Affandi, Bondan Nusantara, Nasirun, Leo Day, Whani Darmawan, Pardiman Djojonegoro, Ki Chess 'mushy' and Anter Asmorotedjo Kuncoro. The event is also a reflection of the existence of Indonesia raised through Indonesia Heritage song, sung Yudaning Mahandaru.
According to the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X, FKY the stage folk art and refreshment from the hustle and bustle of political discourse and often just poor execution. When saturated see various forms of engineering, is the wisest way to dive in crystal clear lakes culture. I am proud of the artists because it has its own way to make sense of Yogya. "He explained.
Yogyakarta Mayor Herry While Zudianto revealed, until now FKY have not found the raw format. To that end, his hope FKY could soon find the right grand design so that it can monitor the progress each year.



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