Privileged Jogja: SBY promise Records found

YOGYAKARTA DIY-related privileges struggle done in various ways. One of them by going after recording the promise of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) which will support the privilege.
The effort brings results. Records of the promise can be obtained and relatives Bendoro Prince Sultan Ngayoyakarta Gusti Haryo (GBPH) Prabukusumo plans to send the tape to a residence in Cikeas SBY.
In the tape SBY explicitly acknowledge the privilege of DIY. The statement diteriakan aloud by Yudhoyono during presidential campaigns in North Square Jogja, 4 April 2009. On that occasion the President also promised to fight for the privilege of DIY.
"Yogyakarta has a high historical value. Noble status. Special areas. Let us formulate the next joint that special status to become the pride of Jogja. You agree? "He said SBY a cheer greeted the masses at the time.

Problem realization SBY promise spoken in North Square, the Prabukusumo do not really know why ultimately changes attitudes.
"From the record one of the radio, it is clear in fact [the President] to support the privilege of Jogja. But then why now changed, that's what I do not know, what factors influence, "said Gusti Prabu Jogja Daily when contacted via phone on Monday (27 / 6).
Prabukusumo assess changes in attitudes in favor of privilege Jogja SBY confusing. So it is possible there are factors outside the influence attitude.
"I also do not know why his attitude [SBY] changed, who is affected, we also do not know, I became confused and questioned it," he said.
To remind the public about SBY promises during the campaign, it claimed to have expanded Prabukusumo and play the tape to pro setting. Even the recording has been heard in the House of Representatives on 20 June.
"The plan will be sent also to Cikeas. We hope, SBY can be thought Wening. In order words and actions can be the same, "he said.
ComplicatedProblem origin of a recording, had told Praise be to Allaah road Prabukusumo obtain a record of his appointment is winding. Several television and radio which was already predicted to have the tape does not save the picture and sound.
"We continue to look for. In some media that we came to try to obtain the tape, it has cut the time Yudhoyono invited to support the privilege. Luckily, we found one and immediately we multiply, "he said when met after the inauguration of Yap Square on Monday (27 / 6).
Responding to a matter of finding records about privilege SBY promise Yogyakarta, vice chairman of the DPRD DIY Ismadi Janu claimed not to know anything. "Well I do not even know about the tape, recently I heard. If it was so good, "he said yesterday.
Janu assess if the records are true then it will give points in the fight RUUK DIY. Nevertheless it must be observed to assess whether the records or just setting Yudhoyono promised privileges only.
If the determination, he said, would give a fresh breeze for the DIY. But on the contrary, if SBY did not mention the determination in support of privilege then judged on that promise is not a guarantee. "The tape is not a guarantee if it does not mention the establishment," he said.(Source:


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