There is a Road Improvement, Toll JORR Directions Kampung Rambutan Severe Loss

Jakarta - The traffic flow direction on the Toll JORR KM26 Kampung Rambutan badly jammed. Why there are road improvements that make the vehicle stalled.

"There are road repairs, mas. So jammed and crowded," said TMC Polda Metro Jaya officer Brigadier Aris told AFP on Saturday (07/09/2011).


Test Drive Daihatsu Sirion

Jakarta - Accompanied by the mascot of The Plant Jo, gave birth to all-new Daihatsu Sirion to the media. When automotive journalists are usually given a directive to study the various features and capabilities of the machine, this was different. A strange monster actually teach journalists to dancing. Why?
Monster has JTP stands but is usually called by the name of Jo is a unique monster that was born from a common ancestor with plants semar bag.
But the difference, if the bag is known semar insectivorous plants, Jo is eating everything. But this is from the positive side. Because Jo was very interested in many things ranging from music, gadgets to social media also liked by the child. Even the green monster has an account on the Twitter social networking and already has thousands of followers.
"Fun indeed dance Jo, so she invites journalists dancing together on the sidelines of the All New Sirion test drive this," said Marketing Director of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, Amelia Tjandra.
Well we just switched to the new Sirion cars. What about performance, comfort and whatever other advantages? DetikOto fortunate opportunity to test the car before it officially launched to the public later this month.
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Lamborghini Say Goodbye In Manual Transmission

Jakarta - No doubt driving a vehicle with automatic transmission that provides the ease and convenience when compared with manual transmission. It also makes sport utility vehicles say 'goodbye' to a manual transmission.

One Italian manufacturer Lamborghini introduces their new fleet of The All New Gallardo in 2012, it will use the automatic transmission automatic alias as reported caradvice, Friday (7/8/2011).

"Trend car with manual transmission has no place in the future of the Italian supercar manufacturer," said Lamborghini's director of research and development. Maurizio Reggiani.
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Make Shift Knob So Burning in the Night

Jakarta - The LED lights is one of my favorite parts because of its compact, energy efficient and can be applied in a variety of creations.

I imagine if I made ​​the car shift knob is illuminated on the panel, seemed to be fun.

Incidentally my car shift knob panel can be removed and transparent in the white paper, so fit for this fun project.

The idea is, I will use Ultrabright blue LEDs, strung together with a series of 1 kilo ohm resistor.

I connect the LED circuit with dusk lights, dusk so when the lights turned on, along with lights in the dashboard panel, this LED also lights up. So also when headlights on.
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Mercy! Taxable Loss, Automobiles Rise Bridge Crossing

Kunming, China - I can not wait because the traffic is crazy, this man determined to bring his car up the overpass. His actions also create a pedestrian furious.

As reported by China Car Times, Wednesday (07/06/2011), the man who drives a VW car output is apparently no longer stand the congestion that occurs on the streets Kungming, southwestern China.

He therefore determined to bring his car to the pedestrian bridge so that the car can quickly get to the street. The bridge crossing was fitted with a car its size.

A man who was carrying the child was forced off a bridge because it obstructed the outrageous behavior of this car users. Other pedestrians are forced to be patient waiting for this car is finished crossing the bridge.

Oops, do not imitate it.

  (source :
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Price Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R Very High a wonder in Indonesia

Jakarta - Indonesian motorcycle market is just coming of premium motorcycle Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R 600cc capacity through PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI). No half-hearted Kawasaki motorcycle was membanderol aka exorbitant expensive.

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R priced up to Rp 211 million. Then why are so optimistic that Kawasaki Kawasaki will be well received.

"That is the right price, the article that we offer here is also very perfect, and this is also a premium sport utility vehicles," said National Sales Manager of PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) Freddyanto Basuki sidelines of the launch of the Ninja ZX-6R at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta Mega Kuningan, Jakarta (08/07/2011).
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Wayang Kulit performances Bithday outbreaks PSSI

Solo - The smell of Javanese culture, the more viscous in the administration of the Extraordinary Congress of PSSI. This evening, held puppet performances to enliven the Congress.

Wayang kulit performances are done in the lobby of The Sunan Hotel on Friday (07/08/2011) night, starting at 22:00 pm. Staging this time take the play "Ghatotkacha Born" with puppeteer H. Kamto Suwarno.

Before the performances began, held prayers together and cut the cone. Rita Subowo KONI Chairman and members of the Committee of Normalization Sumaryoto have the honor to cut the cone.

According Sumaryoto, pamentasan this puppet was done to enliven the Outbreaks PSSI.

"Yes, indeed for Congress. And lakonnya accordance with the Congress, namely Ghatotkacha Born," he said.

(source :

Smuggling foiled at Adisutjipto: Heroin Rp2 M Kept In BH

08/07/2011 08:03:52 SLEMAN (KR) - Smuggling of heroin weighing 1047 grams through Adisutjipto Airport officials thwarted Oversight Office and Customs and Excise (KPPBC) Type of Customs Madya Jakarta, Thursday (7 / 7) at 08.30. Class I drugs are seized from a woman from Jakarta, P (38), who boarded an Air Asia AK-594 fligt No destination Kuala Lumpur - Yogyakarta. Modus, the suspect storing heroin valued at USD 2.094 billion into the soles of sandals and a bra (bra) used actors."The mode is saved to a shoe sole with an unprecedented. But for the storage of drugs into a new bra first time this has happened, "said Kasie taking of action and Investigation KPPBC Yogyakarta, Widi Bekti Sujarwanto a news

Robot Action Klana Smart Mask Dancing

07/05/2011 08:00:21 GMU's student-made robot to be reckoned with. For in international competitions in the United States (U.S.) has recently won first prize, even able to defeat the U.S.."I have proved themselves the ability of UGM students in the development of robotics, so fit that gets the first prize at the world level," said United States Special Envoy Science Dr. Bruce Alberts during a visit at GMU, Monday (4 / 7).In addition to listening to presentations Robot Team at the Department of Electrical Engineering Gadjah Mada University and the Communication Technology Faculty of Engineering (FT) UGM about robots that debuted in the U.S., Bruce also witnessed a demonstration of

INTERESTS OF THE DECLINE JAJAGI; Performing Combined 101 Years WO Sriwedari

07/07/2011 08:07:45 SOLO (KR) - Marking the anniversary 101 years, the group Puppet People (WO) Sriwedari combination set the stage for three consecutive days, starting on Thursday (7 / 7) picked up the trilogy of war plays Baratayuda. The performance begins with the Pandava lare play on the first day, followed by Virata Parwa play, and play dipungkasi Tanding Karna, involving 101 artists in accordance with the age Sriwedari WO.Puppet artists who are involved, obviously Diwasa, WO Sriwedari responsible, including the WO RRI, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), and State Vocational School (SMK) 8 Solo, but also from WO Sriwedari own. Unlike the daily stage, added Diwasa, told

Cyber ​​Media Follow SMK Jakarta Multimedia Training

After SMK Jakarta Cyber ​​Media AMIKOM around, they also follow a multimedia training at night. Precisely the training starts at 19:30 pm - 21.00 pm and the place used for the training is lab.7, lab.8 and lab 12. When training takes place, they were accompanied by several instructors from AMIKOM and also a multimedia lab assistant. The material taught to vocational students is the topic on the Adobe After Effects, which application is commonly used to process video.

The Cyber ​​Media vocational students showed their enthusiasm, many of them pose several questions to the

Community Bats Dollar Amikom

 Wednesday 6 July 2011 held at the rodeo community caffe kadol (bats dollars) held elections chairman and vice chairman. Kadol community built by the father of one of the lecturers Dony ariyus AMIKOM, established since January 2011 and to date has yielded remarkable bloggers with a huge income each month to reach thousands of dollars per member. Community consisting of 57 active members and all members are students STMIK AMIKOM this, still relatively young age of the other communities in AMIKOM, but has resulted in large-income students in the world of the Internet, especially web and blogs.


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