Robot Action Klana Smart Mask Dancing

07/05/2011 08:00:21 GMU's student-made robot to be reckoned with. For in international competitions in the United States (U.S.) has recently won first prize, even able to defeat the U.S.."I have proved themselves the ability of UGM students in the development of robotics, so fit that gets the first prize at the world level," said United States Special Envoy Science Dr. Bruce Alberts during a visit at GMU, Monday (4 / 7).In addition to listening to presentations Robot Team at the Department of Electrical Engineering Gadjah Mada University and the Communication Technology Faculty of Engineering (FT) UGM about robots that debuted in the U.S., Bruce also witnessed a demonstration of robotic wheeled Koplax in putting out the flames within seconds in secret. Previously Bruce was enjoying a robot Klana Mask dancing.Watching the demonstration the robot can dance and put out the flames so quickly makes Bruce Alberts, accompanied by his wife Betty Alberts and staff and the Dean of FT UGM Dr Tumiran, giggling. His job seeking new opportunities for science and technology, and identifyturned out to be fulfilled in a short visit at GMU.Science Special Envoy of President Obama will give recommendations about the strengths and weaknesses of science and technology from scientific institutions that exist. In this case the U.S. will hold its relations with the countries sababat more intensive and good relations that have been built to reinforce the U.S. commitment to global cooperation.In between events, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol GMU Suryo Baskoro citing the U.S. Embassy to explain, a biochemist Bruce Alberts leading with a strong commitment to implement improvements in science education. U.S. envoy Science is a core element of the U.S. commitment to global cooperation of science and technology fields.This program was first proclaimed by President Obama in Cairo June 4, 2009 and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the first three envoys in Morocco, last November. Among Bruce Alberts of Science magazine editor in chief, a former chairman of the National Academy of Sciences and professor of biochemistry at the University of California at San Francisco.During a visit to GMU with Dr. Bruce Alberts Ali Douraghy, Dr. Kendra Chittenden, both from USAID, Joan Mahoney, Cambria Hamburg, Wahyuni ​​Kamah, three from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. From the FT-UGM continued visits to the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UGM get an explanation from Prof. Mubarika. Later that night were treated to dinner FK-UGM.

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