Cyber ​​Media Follow SMK Jakarta Multimedia Training

After SMK Jakarta Cyber ​​Media AMIKOM around, they also follow a multimedia training at night. Precisely the training starts at 19:30 pm - 21.00 pm and the place used for the training is lab.7, lab.8 and lab 12. When training takes place, they were accompanied by several instructors from AMIKOM and also a multimedia lab assistant. The material taught to vocational students is the topic on the Adobe After Effects, which application is commonly used to process video.

The Cyber ​​Media vocational students showed their enthusiasm, many of them pose several questions to the instructor training. Moreover the students who want to explore the field of multimedia, they are very active in this training. Even the teachers of SMK is also actively involved in training this short. After the show at 21.00 pm, the training terminated immediately. Before the training is completed there are few words that passed from party to party SMK AMIKOM Cyber ​​Media has become the facilitator for this multimedia training. Hopefully in the years that followed, similar training could be held again in AMIKOM
regularly and hopefully this training brings many benefits for both parties involved.



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