Test Drive Daihatsu Sirion

Jakarta - Accompanied by the mascot of The Plant Jo, gave birth to all-new Daihatsu Sirion to the media. When automotive journalists are usually given a directive to study the various features and capabilities of the machine, this was different. A strange monster actually teach journalists to dancing. Why?
Monster has JTP stands but is usually called by the name of Jo is a unique monster that was born from a common ancestor with plants semar bag.
But the difference, if the bag is known semar insectivorous plants, Jo is eating everything. But this is from the positive side. Because Jo was very interested in many things ranging from music, gadgets to social media also liked by the child. Even the green monster has an account on the Twitter social networking and already has thousands of followers.
"Fun indeed dance Jo, so she invites journalists dancing together on the sidelines of the All New Sirion test drive this," said Marketing Director of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, Amelia Tjandra.
Well we just switched to the new Sirion cars. What about performance, comfort and whatever other advantages? DetikOto fortunate opportunity to test the car before it officially launched to the public later this month.
The first impression we get when seeing the look of this car is a freshness. Looks very much difference in the face outside the all-new Sirion Sirion with previous generations.
Grille, bumper, fog-lamp, until a new headlight design looks graced the front of the all-new Sirion is then combined with a mirror and a new rim as well as well as the rear lamp and rear bumper in sporty.
No need to linger, detikOto was immediately tested the all-new Sirion automatic transmission. Our first impression when entering the cabin car can be imported directly from Malaysia was quite impressed.
The center of the dashboard 2-tone all-new Sirion headunit that is filled with a variety of features ranging from MP3, Bluetooth to USB looks very interesting. Leg and head room for passengers in both front and rear also impressed in the field.
Key contacts were screened. Brumm, 1298 cc engine soft voice heard. Do not want to linger longer, handbrake lever and gearshift was lowered directly into the D position, all-new Sirion immediately pushed forward.
Our testing we started this and Sunter in the region leading to Bintaro region through highways. On the highway, the ability of car-engine 16-valve DOHC, VVTi Bore X stroke 72.0x79.7 with a capacity of 1298 cc was tested. Daihatsu claimed strength of 60 PS at 6,000 rpm with torque of 11.9 at 4400 RPM just feels hentakannya.
Our automatic teeth move from D2 to D3 and the D4. The move was smooth and enjoyable. Moreover, the gears are now no longer sticks placed next to the driver's seat as the car in general, but rather placed in the center of the dashboard below the head unit. This makes the room feel airy.
All New Sirion petite body proved nimble when invited to bend and maneuver on the freeway. Application of Electric Power Steering EPS or the wheel was proven to be quite fun although it was too light when the car was at high speed.
Meanwhile, testing both the all-new Sirion with manual transmission, we started at Central Park to the monument. In testing this time, the time started to move in the afternoon. Congestion was a spicy flavor that can not be avoided.
Since starting out Central Park to the monument, the path feels solid and well tended stalled on the highway or on arterial roads. Convenience All New Sirion was tested.
All New Sirion tiny body again was very helpful here. So it is with Electric Power Steering EPS or who did not make the tired riders.
Machine hidden in the bonnet of this car feels solid when in the lap top. When the needle is located at 2500 RPM and above, the ability of all-new Sirion new form appeared.
As for fuel consumption, Daihatsu claims, all-new Sirion is able to achieve fuel consumption of about 13.97 km per liter. This figure is slightly more efficient than the old Sirion consumption with consumption of 12.98 km per liter.
While the results of our testing, it features Master Cluster with optitron and MID in panel indicator tells us the fuel consumption of cars that we use. When we tested the all-new Sirion automatic transmission that tends to smooth the path, the indicator panel said that the fuel consumption of about 12.3 km per liter.
And when testing the all-new Sirion manual transmission with a choked streets, the panel indicator tells if the fuel consumption figures of this car is 10.9 km per liter.
Overall, with the rebirth of the All New Sirion into the domestic market, Indonesian car market was now certainly be more festive.
Myriad of new features and fresh design that will certainly be an attraction in itself. Not to mention the already well-known brand Daihatsu has a lot of after sales service network and always have a product that sip gasoline.

Is New Sirion Sirion to raise prestige that dims lately? We'll wait.

 (source : us.oto.detik.com)
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