STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta which has managed to win a nomination in the category "A New Dynamic Private Higher Education" from UNESCO in 2009, specifically to get an appreciation of high-ranking Ministry of National Education.
Deputy Minister of National Education, Prof.. dr. Djalal Fasli PhD recently received leadership STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta in one colloquium at the Office Wamendiknas, Senayan Jakarta. Prof Dr M Suyanto as Chairman STMIK AMIKOM the colloquium was accompanied by Chairman of the Foundation Drs MM Purwanto dull and all Assistant Chairperson. Also attending the colloquium, Prof.. Dr. Supriyoko, national education leaders who come from the Assembly Luhur Tamansiswa.
In this meeting, the Deputy Minister of Education congratulated and feel proud of STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, and hope to use this system can be developed in accordance with the mandate of national education that emphasizes the entrepreneurial education. Education is an entrepreneur who became one of supporting the cost of education, other than as a means of learning and evidence of experience of the learners.
AMIKOM STMIK success seems quite attractive to the press, the number of national television stations daily in the office hung Ministry of National Education, in particular "hunt" to ask for an explanation of STMIK AMIKOM which was awarded as one of the best universities in the world by the Board of Education UNESCO United Nations.

To national TV in Jakarta, Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto explains, UNESCO divided into 11 model college. There are universities that receive some funding from grants. An example is Harvard University.
In the category "A New Dynamic Private Higher Education" that there are 8 world's best universities. Of the 8 that in Indonesia there is one model which is managed by private entrepreneurs, namely STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

Why get a rating like that, because STMIK AMIKOM has a lot of companies that fit with a course he developed. Some companies, among others, television, radio, software, multimedia, animated films, there are related to Internet service providers as well as consulting in the field of ICT (Information and Coummunication Technology).
STMIK AMIKOM also provides an arena for student internships. Thus, once passed the young intellectuals were no longer ready to be trained but is ready to work. In other words, a very prominent STMIK AMIKOM is intrepreneurshipnya educational development. Entrepreneurnya spirit that is the mainstay STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.
Leadership STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta explains, his party continue to aim for 20 percent of every new graduates will become entrepreneurs. And now that continue to be processed is an ICT-based entrepreneurs.
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