Entrepreneurial AMIKOM Holds First Graduation

For the first time as one of the coordinators AMIKOM PMW (Student Entrepreneurial Program) held a graduation rayon AMIKOM entrepreneurship. Graduation aims to motivate students to entrepreneurship and also students in general, increase network and the relationship between entrepreneurship students with relations who attended the graduation ceremony that was well appreciated and entrepreneurial experience to the students.

On the day Saturday, April 16, 2011 graduation ceremony was held and located in the living image of a campus STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta and coincided with a national seminar Technopreneur. Graduation was held for 4 hours starting at 08.00 am-12.00 am.
Graduation was followed by students from various State and private universities in Yogyakarta and was attended by several invited guests such as the chairman of Chamber of Commerce, led the field of college student who graduated students, representatives of members of the House of Yogyakarta, a representative from KOPERTIS region V and is also representative of the Minister of Communication economic field. Judging from the positive side with a useful purpose, then the graduation ceremony is planned to be continuous and regularly held every 3 months.

JAMAWI (Student Entrepreneurial Network) also dilauching at graduation, the JAMAWI is an organization that will organize the students to entrepreneurship and later this organization as an entrepreneurial executive graduation. Puket III AMIKOM (Drs.Idris Purwanto, MM) expects JAMAWI later became a place for all students that there are entrepreneurs.
(Source: www.Amikom.ac.id)


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