SMK Informatika Wonosobo Visit AMIKOM

As usual, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta get some visits from vocational school, high school, university etc.. This time the visit is SMK Informatika AMIKOM Wonosobo. A total of 75 students and 3 companions to participate in this visit. This visit aims to enhance their knowledge about the world of ICT.

This visit occurred on Monday, April 18, 2011 starting at 9.30 AM-12.30 PM. Arriving on campus AMIKOM, they were greeted and directed toward the image space by a team publicist. In the living image of them gave a speech to AMIKOM vice versa, and continued with events showing. Showing this time directed to some place like Amikom Resource Centre, TE Server and 3D Animation Studio. In those places they are given an explanation of the system, usability, etc. associated with the place.

They were very enthusiastic and feel happy also interested in what they see in AMIKOM. Even before the visit ended and the message they convey the impression during the visit in AMIKOM. And finally this itinerant event ended with a photo together in front of the building unit 1 STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta campus, hopefully in the next visit could be better and beneficial for all parties involved.

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