Day laborers, workers and students crowded Malioboro

Yogyakarta - Thousands of workers and students from various elements in Yogyakarta today to commemorate the international labor day or May Day. They demanded an increase in wage labor and social security.

Thousands of action among the participants followed by the Alliance of Workers of Yogyakarta (Aby), Media Workers Union, Federation of Independent Trade Unions and others. Mass departs from several points of which Roundabout campus of Gadjah Mada University, Jl Sudirman, Tugu Yogyakarta, Abu Bakar Ali Parking Park, in front of Gedung Agung Yogyakarta and the intersection of four major post offices.

In the thousands of mass action satisfy the area along the street Malioboro Yogyakarta. As a result the main street Malioboro for motorcycles is closed to the action. Motorcycles and bicycles must pass slow lane. While the car is not allowed to enter must pass through Jl Malioboro and flower market.

In his speech they also criticized the government of SBY-Budiono is considered bad and failed to provide welfare.

Action coordinator Independent Federation of Trade Unions Ali Prasad in his speech at Malioboro said the workers had rejected the enactment of outsourced system and the national social security system.

"Remove and unplug the system and the employment contract," said Ali.

Throughout the ongoing mass action to get tight escort Yogyakarta police officers.
Hundreds of security forces on alert and perform important places such as Pertamina's office in jl Mangkubumi, DIY DPRD office, the office of Governor of DIY in Kepatihan, Gedung Agung Yogyakarta.


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