Post-Disaster Tourism quiet Yogyakarta Merapi

One indication is the decline in occupancy rate of hotels in Yogyakarta. "When travelers visit down, of course, the occupancy rate will also go down," he said, Wednesday (2 / 3) afternoon.

In fact, according to him, the rate of hotel occupancy rate at the beginning of this year somewhat decreased compared to December last year. More high hotel occupancy rate in the month was caused when it is holiday season, so many tourists who come to Yogyakarta. "But now it is reduced again, because the holiday season is over," he said.

He said, to re-boost the increase in tourist visits, is currently digencarkan tourism promotion, including by inviting ambassadors of foreign countries to Yogyakarta and tourist exchanges in other cities in Indonesia. On many such occasions, the Union is always campaigning that Yogyakarta is safe to visit.

Although the eruption of Merapi disaster has ended, but it must be admitted that the cold lava floods that often occur during the beginning of this year in Yogyakarta and Magelang impact on potential tourists who come. In principle, he said, to increase the number of tourist visits generally, as well as hotel hunia level, then, "must continue to be promoted Jogja safe."

Meanwhile, the Central Bureau of Statistics released a Special Region of Yogyakarta that the rate of hotel occupancy rate has decreased in the month of January. The decline was true for five-star hotel or not.

The occupancy rate of hotels for example, the average drops to 37.40 percent. The number was down from an average figure in December last year amounted to 40.92 percent. As for non-star hotels even so, the average dropped to 32 percent from 33.47 percent the previous figure.

In January, there were 177,708 tourists who stay in star hotels and non star in Yogyakarta. A total of 7145 people of whom are foreign tourists.


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