Gold and Silver Prices Rise Back

After last week suffered the worst fall, is now gold and silver prices soaring again. Even the silver price jumped nearly 7% at the same time become the biggest daily gain since November 2008.

Meanwhile, gold prices jumped to 1%, triggered by the action of large purchases after the fall of two precious commodities last week.

Gold and silver prices jumped sharply for two sessions, triggered by inflation worries after oil prices and grain melinjak sharp and also a decrease in the Greek ranks, triggering a safe asset purchases.

Although time wasting away, yet nonetheless precious metals prices recorded an increase. The price of silver has been noted that increased 2-fold since August 2010, while gold rose 25% over the same period.

"Inflation as a whole is still in the system, especially relating to housing and wages," said Jason Pride, director of investment strategy Glenmede as quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (10/05/2011).

"So while we may be positive on the whole commodity complex, we consider to be more careful in the precious metal at the point Tini, mainly because their valuations relative to other commodities have reached the extreme point now," added Pride.

In trading Monday (05/09/2011), silver prices in the spot market jumped to 6.3% to U.S. $ 37.86 per ounce.

Meanwhile, gold prices in the spot market recorded rose 1.2% to U.S. $ 1,512.20 an ounce. Gold futures for June recorded rose 11.60 dollars to U.S. $ 1,503.20 an ounce.



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