Corruptor More Dangerous Than Terrorists

Jakarta - The World agreed to treat criminals like terrorists. But it seems corrupt should be treated more severe because the effect is more severe.

"Terrorists are not a result only a few parties only. If corrupt the whole nation because of the multidimensional. Multidimension that such economic paralysis, the paralysis of the law, the paralysis of education, politics, security, and community character," said Secretary General of the International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) Hasyim Muzadi.

It is said over a speaker dialogue with Muslim leaders from the U.S. journalists in the office of ICIS, Jl Dempo No. 54, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (11/05/2011).

Hasyim said the corruption is not just about money. Bribes can make a law not erect, selective logging law, and politics becomes ambivalent.

"for example when selecting regents. They only know where the love of food. So everything is sold. Power, honor, and even ideology," he explained.

Terrorists who destroyed only a few people. But if corruption, which could hit the entire nation.

"So corruption is more dangerous," he explained.



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