Travel Dialogue Serve Many visits to the DIY Alternative

Yogyakarta is a tourist attraction which is not foreign to most school students in Jakarta. Since junior high school level most schools have scheduled a visit to Yogyakarta. Travel Program dialog can provide a lot of traveling alternative tourism market in Jakarta. As stated by the Head of Marketing Yogyakarta Province Tourism Department Ir. Heri Lantjono, CES, Monday, April 4, 2011 at his office Jl. Malioboro No.56 Yogyakarta.

According to Heri phenomenon observed during the dialogue conducted tourism market which was held on March 30, 2011 at Griya Jogja Jl. Diponegoro No. 52 Menteng Jakarta which was attended by about 50 school principals and teachers of junior high, high school, vocational school, travel agents, the mass media.

Travel dialogue organized by the Yogyakarta Province Tourism Department was followed by five districts in Yogyakarta and other tourism players including AMPTA Stip, PT Taman Wisata, Smart Park, Museum Benteng Vredenburg, Tabloid Tour Info and Dagadu.

Added. for most schools in Jakarta during the visit to the Yogyakarta province has been used as a mandatory program for students, and some even make the program overland Jogja - Bali. This is precisely the challenge for local government and tourism players to actually prepare the existence of attractions in terms of facilities, infrastructure and quality human resources.

For the Yogyakarta province market is one of Jakarta tourism market potential, given in Jakarta there are approximately 3000 public and private primary schools, 800 junior, 500 and 600 vocational high school. Additionally DIY positions are relatively close
and affordable.

The day before the date of March 29, 2011 the same team also held a dialogue tourism market in Purwakarta regency of West Java located in the meeting room Diamond Hotel, Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.132 Purwakarta with the audience also come from representatives of the school principal / teacher, student representatives, travel agents and local media.



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