Mbah Maridjan's Son Named as Merapi's Guardian

The Jakarta Globe - Candra Malik

Yogyakarta. The royal house of Yogyakarta has appointed a son of the late Mbah Maridjan as the new spiritual guardian of nearby Mount Merapi, six months after the latter died when the mountain erupted violently.

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X appointed Asihono, 44, on Monday to replace his late father as head of a team of 17 men. The team is dedicated to preserving traditional ceremonies and maintaining the balance between humanity and the environment on the slopes of one of the world's most active volcanoes.

The appointment coincided with the celebration of the anniversary of the palace of the sultan of Yogyakarta.

Mbah Maridjan died when Merapi spewed pyroclastic flows -- hot clouds of volcanic ash and gas -- onto his village of Kinahrejo during an eruption on Oct. 26. He had ignored government calls for all residents to evacuate hamlets high on the slopes of the volcano.

Joyokusumo, the sultan's brother and head of the sultanate's secretariat, said Asihono was believed to have a broader insight and a more modern perspective than his father.

He said Asihono had met four prime considerations -- religious devotion, dedication to preserving traditions and culture, insight and good relations with the community.

"The main factor is that he is the son of Mbah Maridjan, so he has very strong family links to this cultural position and an understanding of his job description that is better than others," Joyokusumo said.

"He also served an apprenticeship as a subordinate of his father," he added.

Asihono was competing against eight other candidates for the post.

Unlike his father, Joyokusumo added, Asihono followed the evacuation orders from the government when Merapi erupted last year. He also cooperated with the local government, the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency (PVMBG), the Volcano Investigation and Technology Development Institution (BPPTK) and other concerned parties.

Edy Suandi Hamid, rector of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta, welcomed the appointment of Asihono, who works in the university's library.

"He has begun this noble task at a relatively young age and he is better educated," Edy said, adding that working in the library had enabled him to broaden his horizons.

However, Edy did say despite Asihono's new official position, "he still has to work like usual."

Asihono said he had a work plan for his new position.

"I'm not just going to take a cultural approach based on the dreams or guidance from the spirits, but I will also coordinate with the authorities to protect human life and the environment on Mount Merapi and anticipate the fall of victims to future eruptions," he said.

Asihono said he would ensure advertising billboards were removed from the mountain and would reject any efforts to commercially exploit his position. Mbah Marijan had endorsed several commercial products during his lifetime.

As the new guardian, Asihono received the new official name of Mas Lurah Suraksosihono.

Source. The Jakarta Globe


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