Bali donations to japan

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan has gone nearly a month. But the action of solidarity to Japanese citizens are still held. In Bali, thousands of people consisting of various circles attended the ceremony of prayer and solidarity for the Japanese art scene.
Segara Strait dance student who brought the Indonesian Arts Institute in Denpasar is the opening dance in the show Love and Friendship for Japan which was held in Denpasar Bali People Struggle Monument. Activity was held as a form of solidarity to the people who suffered from Japanese.
Program was initiated by the perpetrators of Bali tourism is also filled with song and dance performances of contemporary Swara Universe. In these arts are invited to sing all the participants involved with the theme of the universe and the values ​​of universal virtue.
Love and Friendship event for Japan concludes with a prayer for disaster victims who also attended by Japanese Shinto priests from Japan.


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