Microsoft Bless Tools breaker WP7

Jakarta - Some time ago, Microsoft kicked breaker tools Windows Phone 7 (WP7) of the Marketplace. Now, suddenly they actually approve of these devices.

Tools breaker is named ChevronWP7. This application is claimed to be the first tools that made ​​the pengoprek to dissect the Windows Phone 7. This application was created by three friends: Rafael Rivera, Long Zheng and Chris Walsh.

The makers claim Chevron WP7 make this application to provide access to users or developers to be able to smuggle a third-party applications without having been complicated by the requirements in the market place of Windows 7 Phone.

Now the development team ChevronWP7 actually got the full blessing of Microsoft. From now on the application developers can freely use to modify the Windows Phone ChevronWP7, yet charged. Originally it was for the purpose of application development.

"In line with the release of Windows Phone Dev Podcast, we will release Windows Phone unlocking service also, as part of ChevronWP7 Labs. It is immediately available to developers in all countries," wrote Microsoft's message quoted from phonearena, Tuesday (06/21/2011 ).

Apparently, Microsoft is actually exploit such loopholes as part of their business. Developer ChevronWP7 users will be charged a small fee via PayPal when I want to use the application.



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