Lake Kerinci

LAKE Kerinci has an area of ​​4200 hectares with a depth of 110 m and is situated at an altitude of 783 meters above sea level. The lake holds many species of fish. Semah fish is the most popular type and is an endemic fish. Lake Kerinci district is located in two District of Lake Kerinci and Around Lake District.
There are several interesting locations in several villages around Lake Kerinci, the Regional Pesanggarahan where we can see from the above views of Lake Kerinci, Cape Bung Hatta Hatta is the place to enjoy the panoramic view of Lake Kerinci and plant trees there, there Seleman village house which is a typical home Laheik Kerinci , and in the village of Middle Island are Dolmen Stone Sacred
Mosques King and Middle Island and around Kerinci lake there are a number of carved stone megaliths suspected human remains.
In each year, the Lake Kerinci Lake Kerinci Festval held a variety of attractions featuring local art community. 


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