Tourism Lawang Sewu

If you go to Hyderabad, what is the earliest thought in your mind?, Is Lawang Sewu answer. Certainly, all agree with that opinion. "Old, stately, sturdy, beautiful and exotic," That picture of the people against the building which was situated right in the heart of the city. However, the beauty of it all a bit faded with segelintiran many people who also thought that the place of horror, haunted or whatever his name that smell-the smell of mystical!.
However, all that is the urge us to come to the place that had the guts to be a place penalty by one private television station as well as in performing the task of finding information on historic attractions in Indonesia.Lawang Sewu very strategic and easy to find, because it is blamed one side of the intersection of Tugu Muda. Gedung Lawang Sewu built in 1903 and was completed and inaugurated on July 1, 1907. This 2-story building used as headquarters Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschappij or known NIS and no word, used this building as a place of administrative and military arrangements that exist in Semarang.

The front of this historic building was decorated by the twin towers and gothic models split into two wings, extending backward impressive sturdy, big and beautiful. Magnificent art deco building which is characterized by exclusive that developed in the era of 1850-1940 on the European continent, it has become one of the works of two renowned Dutch architect, namely: Prof.. Jacob F. Klinkhamer and B.J Queendag.
Searching for more in Lawang Sewu
"The inside is still strong"
Why do many people call Lawang Sewu, that the building has many doors. If the door is defined in the Java language 'Lawang' while 'Sewu' it a thousand means "a thousand doors," whether anyone who calls and count the doors!, A clear name Lawang Sewu already inherent in every Indonesian to date.
We also tried to set foot to get into the building. From the main door we immediately faced with a large staircase to the 2nd floor. On the stairs grafir installed a glass covering the window with a beautiful carving. Indeed, preliminary felt when entering this building is a bit different, the halls of the lack of lighting made the atmosphere a little bit mystical. However, all were greeted by the beauty of decorative glass full of stained-glass colors on top of the stairs. The walls and pillars are still strong complement the grandeur of the building structure. Fascinated will all of that, we continued to explore other parts of room. Entering the top and stand in one balcony, looking busy street highway vehicles and were treated to views of the city park in the middle of a roundabout way.
"Underground Prison"
Once satisfied through the top, we were down and around the base of the building. High doors that lined the wing section of the building, what kind of remind busy at that time. There is also a room which is said to contain relics of the Dutch era. The door is very sturdy and therefore has not successfully uprooted until today. So there is a possibility in it is still a lot of saved money and other property. True?
Seeing all exterior and interior physical condition although less manicured, click amazed even exist in themselves. Historic buildings still left Lawang Sewu architectural beauty in the past.
Satisfied around the base section of the room, we went to the place where there is a dungeon. Enough with the money of Rp 5000, -/orang we could see the rooms that used to be a place of imprisonment and torture detainees.
The prison is located below ground, having into 3 feet from the surface. we were accompanied by a guide to trace the passage of approximately 1.5 meters wide with a ceiling height of 2 meters without any light. With the help of flashlights we start the journey, the smell of the stuffy and stagnant water penelelusuran started this, but all it does not become an obstacle for us, to know what is in here (prison). With little sense of fear, the guide begins to show the rooms to the left or right hallway. In the past here is a place of torture for the prisoners by the Dutch and Japanese.
Next, to the room containing a bath-tub of concrete to a height of 1 meter. This place is also used to torture the prisoners by being forced to squat with neck-high water soaked while the top is closed bars. By way of torture that the room is named prison squat. Hard to imagine, like what our fighters is treated like that!.
In a subsequent search, we demonstrated a brick lined septum measuring 1x1 feet shaped like a closet. Narrow barriers is called the prison stood in this place is usually filled with 5 to 6 custody after being tortured with iron bars closed and left standing until suffocation.
The last room that we saw was the execution chamber. Looks a table made of steel embedded floor. This is where prisoners were executed with the pieces of his head. The room is enough to make the skin crawl, at the thought of the incident at the time, where the prisoners are executed.
There was almost 20 minutes we walked down the hallway, and finally could breathe fresh air again. It is an experience for us, all the mixed feelings of fear, tension as well as fun. But, unfortunately the whole room that there should not be in the photo, for some reason?.
Actually there is another hallway at the time used by freedom fighters to escape from the pursuit of the enemy. The hallway that connects between Lawang Sewu, SMAN 3 Semarang and Semarang SMAN 1. Unfortunately the hall was closed and did not know its existence. Not to mention the temukannya human skeletons in one basement room with a number of very many, then the story of the massacres and atrocities of war that never happened in Lawang Sewu.
Previously, the ancient buildings and magnificent two-story is used as an office after independence Jawatan Kereta Api Indonesia (DKARI) or now PT Kereta Api Indonesia. In addition, once used as the Office of National Infrastructures Regional Military Command (Kodam) IV / Diponegoro and Regional Office (Regional Office) Department of Transportation Central Java. In addition, during the struggle of this building also has its own historical record of events during a five-day battle in Semarang, in the old building became the location of a great battle in 1945, exactly on 8 September, among the Young Generation of Indonesian Railway who tried to retake the this building from the hands of Japanese Butai Kempetai and Kido. Therefore, the Government of Semarang City with Mayor SK 650/50/1992, embodying Lawang Sewu as one of 102 ancient or historic buildings in the city of Semarang, which should be protected.
Such was the charm Sewu Lawang, although not all buildings are preserved and reused, but at least traces the history of our nation is still very easily found in the city. The buildings are probably lucky to be standing on a city where the government still appreciate its existence. It's amazing, the old buildings that still exist today. After what we experienced from the beginning to the end of this historic trip, have concluded that Sewu Lawang is the historic sights in Indonesia is so beautiful, majestic and full of meaning and makes the heart beat. If there are people who think that Lawang Sewu Awful! . 'Believe it or not ".., back in their own self. Would be more interesting if you direct that prove it!


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