Goa Jatijajar

Jatijajar Cave is a cave that was formed over thousands of years at the foot of limestone mountains. The length of the cave is 250 meters. In this Jatijajar Goa area there are also several other caves, like Goa and Goa Dempok Diamond and available parks and Monkey Island. Stalactite contained in Goa Dempok naturally occurring for hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Until now still maintained its authenticity. Diamond Cave is one location with Jatijajar Goa tourism. This cave is unique to the sky cave that is relatively not too high. This limestone mountain range stretching from north and south ends jutting into the sea in the form of a cape. Located about 42 kilometers west from the city kilomater Kebumen or 21 south from Gombong.

As is generally the other tourism objects in Indonesia, which almost always save a legend, Goa Jatijajar has a story. In ancient times a place of meditation cave Jatijajar Kamandaka Raden, who then got wangsit. Raden Kamandaka story was later known as the legendary monkey Kasarung. Visualization of these legends can be seen in a diorama that is in the cave.

Legend in the caves depict the legend of Raden Kamandaka or legend Kasarung monkey. To go to these attractions and prasara already available means of transportation, lodging and restaurant that is relatively representative.
Dinosaur sculpture that seems to spew water in the location of this tour is actually an estuary of the springs in Goa Jatijajar of the never never quit even though the dry season. Water from the mouths of this dinosaur statue swimming pool for a swim meet children and adults.

Goa Sightseeing Jatijajar equipped beautiful garden is equipped with playground. This park is named Monkey Island, because in this park there are many statues of apes. At the gates of Goa Jatijajar mouth, there is a hole between the stalagmites, so that when the incoming sunlight looks very beautiful. Goa Jatijajar is evidence of the legend Kamandaka (monkey Kasarung), where this story is told through the implied statues that are in Goa Jatijajar.
Inside the cave there Jatijajar 7 (seven), river or spring, but the data is achieved easily only 4 (four) of the river, namely:
1.Sungai Puser Earth 2.Sungai Jombor 3.Sungai Roses 4.Sungai kantil
Each river / spring has a myth, namely:
For Earth Puser river and its water is said to have efficacy Jombor can be used for all sorts of purposes according to their respective beliefs. Meanwhile, Rose River water if it is said to bathe or wash your face, have a property can stay young. The Spring kantil if its water to wash or bathe, then the intention / his goals will be easily achieved.
At first, the doors are still closed by the land of Goa. So after covering the soil dismantled and discarded, Goa is now ketemulah door to enter. Because the cave door there are 2 large teak trees growing parallel, then the cave was named Goa Jatijajar (Version to I).
Inside the cave there are many Stalagmite Jatijajar and also Pillar or Pillar Limestone, namely the meeting between the stalactite with Stalagmite. All of this is formed from the deposition of droplets of rain water that has reacted with limestone rocks ditembusnya. According to research by experts, for the formation of stalactite it takes a very long time. Within one year the formation of stalactite thickest thick only 1 (one) cm only. Therefore Goa Goa Jatijajar is a very old lime.
Rocks in Goa Jatijajar is very old rocks. Due to very old age, then in the face of Goa Jatijajar built a statue of the Ancient Dino Beast Saurus as a symbol of Goa Tourism Objects Jatijajar, from the mouth of the statue out of Spring water and spring kantil Rose, who all year has never been dry. While the water coming out of the statue Dino Saurus is used by people around the irrigation fields Jatijajar and surrounding villages.
The cave has a long Jatijajar from the entrance to the exit as long as 250 meters. Average width of 15 meters and an average height of 12 meters while the thickness of the ceiling on average 10 meters, and the level of 50 meters above sea level.
Before Goa Tourism Jatijajar built as Object, formerly managed by the caretaker. The genealogy of the caretaker who never manage Jtijajar Goa, namely:
a. Interpreting the Key to I - Jayamenawi b. Interpreting the Key to II - Bangsatirta c. Interpreting the Key to III - Manreja d. Interpreting the Key to IV - Jayawikrama e. Interpreting the Key to V - Sandikrama
In 1975 Goa Jatijajar was built and developed into a Tourist Object. As for who has the idea to develop or build Jatijajar Goa, Mr Rustam Suparjo when the Governor of Central Java. Who at that time who became Regent Kebumen is Mr Supeno Suryodiprojo.
To launch and implement the development of Goa Jatijajar Suparjo appointed directly by Mr. Rustam cv.AIS of Yogyakarta, as chairman of cv.AIS is Mr Saptoto, a famous artist in Indonesia deorama. Before the local government implement pembagunan Kebumen Jatijajar Goa, first Kebumen Government has indemnified the population affected by land development locations Goa Tourism Objects Jatijajar Wide 5.5 hectares.
After Goa Jatijajar built then managed by local government managers Kebumen. Since Goa Jatijajar built, in Goa Jatijajar have added the art buildings include: installation of electric lights as lighting, trap-trap concrete to make it easier for tourists to get into Goa Jatijajar and the installation of the statues or deorama.
Diorama mounted and in Goa Jatijajar there are 8 (eight), dioramas, which there are 32 statues of fruit. The legend tells the whole story of "Raden Kamandaka - Kasarung monkey." The relation is Jatijajar Goa, Goa Jatijajar yore never used to be imprisoned by the Raden Kamandaka Pajajaran Crown Prince of the Kingdom, who named the original lot or a lot of chakra Clark.
Please note that some of the region antiquity Kebumen, is included Pajajaran territory, the central government in Bogor (Batutulis) West Java.
The time limit is Lukulo from east Kebumen Lukulo time entry into the kingdom of Majapahit, while west of the entrance area of ​​the Kingdom Pajajaran Lukulo. While the story was happening in the district of Pasir Luhur, namely Baturaden or Navan area in the 14th century. But overall Dioramanya Jatijajar fitted in Goa.



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