Comparative Study House Easy and Cheap teleconferencing, Mr.

Remember the story of Teguh Iskanto, Indonesian students in Australia, which share the story the way the dynamics of discussions with the delegation of the House of Representatives Commission VIII that a working visit to Australia? One of the things the students are questioned why the Board did not choose to do a teleconference with the parties is needed? With advances in technology today, it is considered highly possible.
"One of my friends (right now chaotic session) was yelling," Why not use the teleconference aja Pak hell? "At that time, Mr. Karding replied," Well, that's technically too complicated ..., "the paper quoted Teguh.
Answer submitted by the Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VIII Abdul Kadir Karding is complicated so that the Parliament did not choose teleconferencing as a way to obtain information needed in preparing the bill. Really complicated teleconferencing?

Easier and cheaper
IT security experts reveal Ruby Alam, conducting teleconferences really not as complicated as imagined. With advances in technology and availability of the current, it is feasible without barriers, and guaranteed safety. Procurement of instruments are also much cheaper when compared with the cost of the House working visit abroad who framed billions of dollars.
"Masyarat normal course, as we can video conference. Every time I wear overseas video conference, my son can use it. Minimal use Skype. Moreover, in developed countries must understand Skype. But, for teleconferencing state officials, may be safe and comfortable if not using public channels such as Skype. There are other alternatives, with private channels, "said Ruby to, Friday (6/5/2011).
He explained, the technology available today is IP based, using the internet a safer path."There is such thing as a VPN or virtual private network, specially contrived. Although the use of public channels, the general point was made encryption so that only the A and B that can be heard. There is the technology. It's not technology that baseball may be purchased. What is important, both parties use the same encryption. VPN that point in the virtual world, where public paths become a private line, "he said.
However, to make a point private line, no need to bother. According to Ruby, the device has a built in video conference with the encryption. "I do not need anything high tech," he said.
To hold a teleconference is also not necessary prerequisite both parties must have a device with the same brand or sophistication. "Importantly, the same encryption," said Ruby.
What is the cost incurred for procurement of this teleconference?
"If you want to be held in each space commission, the budget at under 100 million (dollars). It can be a flame and can be used up at any time. If you want pure contrived like a special room, in real-settings such as meetings, with many screens, I think only a few hundred million (dollars). Here (Indonesia), there is really sold. Like the device used American President Obama while watching the operation against bin Laden, "said Ruby.
According to him, the way it should be taken into consideration by the Board. Moreover, if the necessary data can be obtained without having to make direct visits. He believes, teleconferencing model is commonly used in developed countries is a frequent destination country comparative study.
"Maybe it could be evaluated during this working visit. For example, data such as what is needed, what their classification. Is there a secret classification of data that can be obtained if a working visit it. If only the general data that can be reached with technology, would reduce ketidakproduktifan working visit that spend more state money, "he said.
Ruby adds, the data is a common public services received by members of the Board in a comparative study in fact can also be obtained online. "Because, in developed countries usually they are already online all systems, whether it be a library or service system. I think it also will more quickly get the data. Can via e-mail as well. The process of communication at least five minutes. Do not spend time and saving money the people, "said Ruby.
Recommendations PPIA
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Students Association of Australia (PPIA) M Subhan assert, put forward his side purely to contribute to improving the effectiveness of the House of Representatives Commission VIII. "This is proof of our concern for the House of Representatives Commission VIII in our sincere efforts to help create a better order of government in Indonesia through our organization in the PPIA," Subhan said in a press statement to
In the evaluation and recommendation, the PPIA also notes that some information obtained by the Board of actual face to face meetings can be obtained through publicly accessible websites. One example, team meetings Panja Commission VIII-related bill Poor Fakir Commission VIII with Mr Stephen Kelly, Manager for Aged Care and International Programs, Department of Health and Services, and Mr. Peter Van Vliet, Assistant Secretary, Multicultural Affairs Department of Immigration and Citizenship.The process of presenting information by way of exposure delivered verbally by the presenter, with the method of Power Point presentations, lectures, and question and answer, judged not to be done in Australia.
"Moreover, as presented in Appendix 3, the data disclosed by Mr Stephen Kelly in his presentation, for example, can be traced from the site and can be studied well by the House of Representatives Commission VIII of Indonesia, "the evaluation of PPIA.
In its recommendation, the PPIA is also proposed that the Council could consider a more effective and cheaper, one of them by bringing in speakers to Indonesia. In addition, "Optimizing the lines of communication and electronic information formally owned the House of Representatives ( and is easily accessible to the public to convey the publication of results of working visit to the Australian House of Representatives Commission VIII," Subhan said in a release evaluation andrecommendations.

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